Portrait Of The Artist As A Boxing Homeboy

Robert Lashley
3 min readSep 30, 2022

Remembering Pernell Whitaker.

The appeal of pure boxers in minority communities is that they are physical manifestations of intellect. To stand in front of a fighter, hit, and not get hit is to show an improvisational mastery of skills, skills that aren’t just obvious but ones that no white person can deny. You could say many things about boisterous, cocky, charismatic charmers like Jack Johnson, Muhammad Ali, and Sugar Ray Leonard, but when they got in that ring, you had to deal with their minds if you wanted to talk about them honestly.

To short, unruly, and bright hoodlum street kids of the hip-hop era (a tribe of which I was a member), Pernell Whitaker was their boxer-as-intellectual-hero. He had a fade with a line in the front and a gold tooth. He came into the ring blasting Craig mack. And when he got in that ring, he showed a skill set for the ages. Even more than Leonard, Whitaker was a phenomenally formed fighter at an early age, a stylist whose gifts in 15 fights rivaled old-time fighters who had 115,

How to describe Whitaker’s style? Begin with the Jab. Like Ali, Whitaker had balance brilliant enough to jab from his pivot foot in a way that was orthodox from unorthodox angles. After that? The core of what made him brilliant and separated him from his imitators (Floyd Mayweather) was what…



Robert Lashley
Robert Lashley

Written by Robert Lashley

Writer. Author. Former Jack Straw and Artist Trust Fellow. The baddest ghetto nerd on the planet.

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