How Albert Was Born.

Robert Lashley
9 min readMay 15, 2023

The revised preface to I Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer, my novel coming out on August 22, 2023.

In 1957's Pagan Spain, the second of three travel books he wrote, Richard Wright became his own harshest critic. He had done enough to cultivate a line of them in the decade: wrecking his family and his cinematic adaptation of his classic novel-1941’s Native Son, by turning it into a political apologia for sexual murder. Yet seeing example after example of the church’s role with the Franco dictatorship to get young girls, particularly a slave auction in a simulacrum of the avant-garde friendly coffee shops he loved for so long in Europe. Wright the macho man collapses. “I had done a quick laundering job on the moral notions of my brain and the moral feelings in my body,” he writes. From there, Spain evolves from a deeply problematic great man’s travelogue to something that becomes a firm defense of women’s rights and the rights of sex workers. He would later be known for his near evangelizing on the subject, most famously in his speech at the Bandung conference where he said, “If Black women aren’t free, we aren’t free.”

The response, or lack thereof, by his brothers, was genuinely pathetic (particularly from Chester Himes and-yes, it was 1957-James Baldwin). The apathy of the women in his life was genuinely understandable; especially Simone De Beauvoir who wrote letters to his…



Robert Lashley

Writer. Author. Former Jack Straw and Artist Trust Fellow. The baddest ghetto nerd on the planet.